Mexican flag

Important Changes to Mexico ‘521’ Dialing Pattern

Many of Jaxcom’s customers enjoy the benefit of being able to dial anywhere in continental North America, whether it be the United States, Mexico, or Canada. By now most are accustomed to dialing a specific pattern in order to reach certain numbers as it pertains to calls going to Mexico as well as many U.S. territories. The same applies to subscribers who use our International plans for dialing countries across the globe.

Recently, Mexico changed its dialing pattern, which was out of compliance with the standards set for International dialing. Jaxcom will begin strict enforcement of this new dialing pattern beginning on Monday, August 3, 2020.

All calls to Mexico mobile phones:

  • Will no longer need the prefix of ‘521’ followed by the phone number.
  • Must strictly be dialed as ’52’ followed by the phone number.

Now that Mexico’s dial pattern has changed, what should I do?

Nothing. Jaxcom will take care of ensuring all of our systems are up to date in order to enforce use of the International standard for dialing. If you dial the old pattern, you may receive an error message indicating that the route does not exist. This is not a failure. Simply redial the number with the prefix of ’52’ only and remember not to dial the ‘1’ like before, and your call shall complete as normal.

Should you encounter any issues, please head over to our support portal for more help or to open a ticket.