Call Detail Reporting

Want to gain a deeper understanding of your business’s phone communication? Our Call Detail Reporting (CDR) feature can help. It offers businesses detailed information about their phone call activity, including the date and time of calls, duration, phone numbers, and outcomes (answered, missed, or busy).

Our CDR service is presented in an easily readable format such as a database or spreadsheet. This allows for easy analysis of the data and identification of patterns or issues.

Benefits of Call Detail Reporting

Our Call Detail Reporting (CDR) feature can be a valuable tool for improving various aspects of your business’s phone communication. Here are some examples:

  • Use the data to identify the busiest times for incoming calls and adjust staffing accordingly.
  • Track and evaluate individual employees or department performance in terms of call handling and customer service.
  • Block unwanted or fraudulent calls.
  • Identify the most profitable calls or callers to optimize sales and marketing efforts.
  • Identify and resolve network or technical issues that may be affecting call quality or connectivity.

Get the best VoIP Features

If you’re looking for a feature-rich, hassle-free, and customizable VoIP phone service provider, Jaxcom would be happy to be of service. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business.